Common instructions and rules

The rules are general and may not apply to all sitsit. Listen and follow the instructions given by the Toastmasters first.


Toastmasters lead the evening.

The word of a Toastmaster is the law.

The sitsi people stay silent when the Toastmasters are speaking.

Floor requests

You can request the floor by standing up. When the Toastmaster gives you permission to speak, introduce yourself something like this: 'Distinguished Toastmasters and esteemed sitsipeople, my name is ...' After the introduction, you can respond to any questions posed by the sitsipeople and share your thoughts/request a song, etc., etc.


You can, if you wish, shout the following exclamations between the verses of the songs:

  • MELLAN SUP: Everyone takes a sip, the song continues afterwards
  • TEMPO PLUS: Seepd up the tempo at the song.
  • TEMPO MIINUS: Slow down the tempo at the song.
  • OM START: Let's start the current verse from the beginning


Toasting after the song. Typically, every other person at the gathering first toasts to the right, then to the left, and finally with the person sitting opposite them, while the others first toast to the left, then to the right, and finally with the person sitting opposite them. Toasting can also occur diagonally, for example, first diagonally to the right, then to the left, and finally opposite.


DO NOT use your phone on anything else than looking the songbook.

DO NOT CLAP your hands, instead hit the table.

You can only get out of the table with a permission of the Toastmasters.

You might get punished for breaking the rules.